Fulcrum Retained and Strengthened – What Modi’s Cabinet Picks Reveal

PM Modi


Author: Hriday Verma

Published: June 12, 2024

On June 10, Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on his third consecutive term, signaling a blend of experience and ambition. The cabinet overhaul and expansion were carefully orchestrated, emphasizing talent and meritocracy. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Leadership Continuity: PM Modi retained control over crucial ministries, including the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, the Department of Atomic Energy, and the Department of Space. Additionally, he kept significant policy issues under his purview. This continuity reflects his unwavering commitment to these critical areas.
  2. Inner Circle Trust: The cabinet’s fulcrum—comprising trusted heavyweights—remains intact and fortified. These seasoned leaders shoulder weighty responsibilities, ensuring stability and consistency in governance. PM Modi’s faith in his inner circle underscores their competence and loyalty
  3. Portfolio Allocation: The allocation process was meticulously executed. Despite potential challenges, PM Modi managed it seamlessly. The distribution of ministries demonstrates a judicious approach, maintaining a delicate balance between experience and fresh perspectives.

In summary, PM Modi’s cabinet picks reveal a leader who combines continuity with innovation, positioning India for progress. The old guard remains steadfast, while a new generation of leaders joins the fray, creating a dynamic and forward-looking team

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